Completed projects

School for all

Given the pandemic context, all schools were closed, as a precaution measure for the children and their families. So, it was decided that all classes should take place online, which would suppose that every child should have a device (tablet, laptop, desktop, smart phone) and an internet connection. Unfortunately, in 2020 Romania, this is something impossible for 250 000 children (according to the estimations made by the habilitated institutions).

This was also the case for 30 children in Braniștea, a locality in Galați County, who couldn’t attend the classes, their families having very low incomes barely covering their daily food needs, not affording thus to buy such a device.

Taking into account all these aspects, we decided to help the children in this community and, with the help of private contributors (natural and legal persons) we managed to donate them 20 laptops.

They were refurbished, tested and sent to the children, that can now continue classes together with their classmates. We greatfully thank all those who were beside us during this campaign and I See Solutions SRL for sustaining the refurbishments and for reconditionning for free all the devices that the children received!

The next step we took was to make sure that every child had access to an internet connection.

The project is currently close, our objective was achieved, but the need still exists! So, if you have at home or at your office a laptop or a tablet that you don’t use anymore, still functional or with little malfunctions that can be easily refurbished, you can donate them to us, so that we can give them forward and make sure they get to one of these children. Or you can directly donate in the Association’s account (RO64 INGB 0000 9999 0854 4586)  mentionning ”School for all”, so that we can afterwards buy  them the necessary devices.

We All Matter Association was established on the 20.09.2018, under Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 and is accredited as social services provider according to the accreditation certificate series AF no. 005975/2018. The Association is registered in the Register of entities/cult units for which tax deductions are granted, according to Decision no. 8118447/2020.

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