Together we succeed! Psychoeducational workshops for children, parents and teachers
Since March 2020, with the pandemic outbreak, school took place almost exclusively online. Children, teachers and parents had suddenly found themselves in the situation to learn, work, and keep contact with their close ones through a device. Even though a series of solutions were found in order for them to fulfill their daily activities at a practical level, there is a very important aspect that was not sufficiently explored in this haste to continue „functioning”: the emotional state of the ones involved.
The project ”Together we succeed! Psychoeducational workshops for children, parents and teachers” comes as a response to this problem, identified through the socio-educational interventions that We All Matter Association had in the target communities and aims at supporting children in understanding/managing the actual context and at empowering parents and teachers in order for them to also be able to offer children their support.
Our interventions will help teenage students to overcome the pandemic period, during which, social contacts with their friends and colleagues are limited, to identify and manage their emotions, to recognize and know how to react if they or their friends are bullying victims, to learn to express and sustain their ideas, to know their rights and claim them assertively.

The project’s multidisciplinar approach, oriented towards working with the resource individuals in the children’s life (parents and teachers), consists of offering support to the ones involved in this process in understanding, accepting and finding solutions adapted to their needs, for every encountered situation.
The project will be developed for a period of 6 months (15 March – 14 September 2021) and is addressed to 110 individuals (60 children, 30 parents and 20 teachers), who will participate in 35 emotional support workshops. The workshops will take place online and will be held by specialists in psychological and psychoeducational fields.
The project is developed by We All Matter Association with financial support from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The content on this page does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information, please visit Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at
Working together for a Green, Competitive and Inclusive Europe.
The Active Citizens Fund Romania programme is financed through the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The overall objective of the Grants is reducing economic and social disparities and consolidating the bilateral relations between the 15 beneficiary countries and the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway). The programme is administered by a consortium composed of Civil Society Development Foundation, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Resource Center for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge, acting as Fund Operator designated by the FMO – The Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants.
Active Citizens Fund Romania aims at consolidating civil society and active citizenship and at empowering vulnerable groups. With a total allocation of 46.000.000 Euro, the programme pursues the long-term development of the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector, by strengthening its role in the promotion of democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights and by consolidating at the same time the bilateral relations with the Donor States Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. For more information about Active Citizens Fund in Romania, please visit For more information about EEA and Norway Grants, go to”
Children’s reading club
In Romania, the percentage of functional illiteracy among children exceeds 42%, which means that they can read a text, but they don’t understand it nor can talk about it and, implicitly, they don’t manage to gain any knowledge from it. In the lines below we briefly present you the intervention we started in rural communities in order to diminish this phenomenon.
It consists of organizing online meetings (and face to face ones when the context shall be favourable), every 2 weeks, during which we discuss a story/book, that the children already receive and read before the meeting. All the children receive the same 5 books set, adapted to their age and level of understanding. We want them to discover reading for pleasure, beyond the compulsory reading tasks they have to do for school.
The meetings are held by the members of our team, trained in cultural and socio-psychological fields. There are also punctual interventions from external collaborators, experienced in working with children.
Our project is addressed to a number of 30 children, aged 12 – 13, from rural communities, that come from modest families with low incomes and is developed in partnership with the city halls and/or the schools in the targeted locations.
Among our objectives we mention: the increase of the interest on reading, understanding the text and being able to later discuss about it, vocabulary enrichment, and the gain of knowledge concerning the subjects approached in the books. The children who are participating are divided into small groups so as each one of them can get the chance to talk, during a meeting, about what he read.
The project is held for a 3 months period and implies a total cost of 4500 de lei (150 lei/child).
The reading club helps the children to broaden their horizons, to discover new things, to express and argue their own ideas and to think ”outside the box”.
YOU are the one who can bring a change by sustaining this project through a donation in our Association’s account, RO64 INGB 0000 9999 0854 4586, opened at ING Bank, mentioning ”the reading club”. The entire amount of money that is received will be exclusively used for buying the necessary books!
Thank you!
Anti-Bullying campaign
Bullying was and still is one of the most frequent negative social phenomena, especially in schools, without being limited to them. In order to understand the implications that bullying can have on a physical, psychological and emotional level, the WAM team would like to go to schools in the country side and discuss with children and teachers on this subject, unfortunately always actual.
However, during this period, given the social distancing situation generated by the pandemic and schools being closed, this project is developed online.
With the help of presentations adapted on age groups, children will find out in detail about the types of bullying and what each of them implies, about the bullying participants and their roles, about how they can act and react in order to surpass the difficult situations they are often confronted to.
Also, our team organizes a series of meetings with the teachers, during which several bullying aspects that they encountered over time are discussed and solutions are proposed in order to promptly and efficiently approach these unpleasant and even dangerous situations.
We are looking forward to seeing you face to face and to succeed together! We all matter!